feminist actions, dates & events in Berlin: demos, küfas, info events, workshops, concerts, performances, art….
FRI 24.02.23
*OUR REVOLUTION IS COMING* – info event on the Revolutionary Internationalist 8th March
→ OYA Bar (Mariannenstr. 6, Berlin-Kreuzberg)
Cis men are not invited, they are advised to take other actions to stop
violence against women*
♦ Type: info event
Insta: @allianc.int.feminist
SUN 26.02.23
Feministisches Familiencafé
→ Kiezkommune Wedding, Buttmannstr. 1A (Wedding)
span & all genders
♦ Type: café, screenprinting, games, painting, demo preparations
Insta: @kiezkommune_wedding/
⏲ 12pm-5pm
Repertorios performáticos & Perreo por un 8M combativo y anticolonial!
→ New Yorck im Bethanien (Marielle-Franco-Platz, Kreuzberg
span & engl /// all genders
♦ Type: Workshop + Performance
Insta: @perrxs.del.futuro.berlin
→ Café Cralle, Hochstädter Str.10a (Wedding)
for queers
♦ Type: reading night, bar
Insta: @cafecrallekollektiv /
Web: https://cafecralle.wordpress.com /
>>> Meld dich an unter cafecralle@riseup.net oder sei ganz spontan! Wir freuen uns auf eure Gayschichten
THU 02.03.23
Queer Soli-Karaoke Party
→ Galile @FU, Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26
♦ Type: Party
queer people and friends /// accessible without steps but no wheelchair-accessible toilets ater 10pm
⏲ 7pm-openend
Email: queer@asta.tu-berlin.de
FRI 03.03.23
Las Kellys. Syndicate of Cleaning Staff from Spain
→ Aquarium, Kottbusser Tor (Kreuzberg)
span (engl+germ translation) ///all genders
♦ Type: presentation
Web: Las Kellys/
→ Theater X, Reformationskirche, Wiclefstraße 32, Berlin-Moabit
♦ Type: Talk and Concert
all gender
⏲ 07pm
Insta: @theater_x
>>> mit Arbeiter*innen aus der Berliner Krankenhausbewegung, Walk of Care, viet.care & der BSR
>>> + Konzert von s.t.a.s.h.
SAT 04.03.23
→ Schillerwerkstatt, Karlsgartenstr. 6 (Berlin – Neukölln)
all genders welcome
♦ Type: handicraft, collective embroidery, cakes, drinks
Insta: @perrxs.del.futuro.berlin
>>> Soli for the collective of the altar of the girls’ square “8 de marzo” in Guatemala
>>> Please bring materials to work with such as: fabric scraps, scissors, needles, embroidery hoops (if you have)
>>> If you want to donate a cake or any other food for the activity we will be very grateful
“alles scheiße teuer – unser Feminismus gegen ihre billigen Antworten”
→ Schierkerplatz (Berlin Neukölln)
♦ Type: Rally
all genders
>>> speeches, exchange, free market
>>> organized by feminist* dialogues and AK Mutterschaft&Feminismus
“The disaster is not natural, it is political!” event by Feminist Solidarity for Disaster Relief (Turkey)
→ Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, OG 1, Raum 139, (Kreuzberg)
♦ Type: Collective banner painting, demo preparation
all genders////Turkish, English
Insta: @afeticinfeministdayanisma
Web: https://bio.biolinktr.com/afeticinfeministler
Email: info.quakefemsol@proton.me
Handwerksklatsch- & tratsch
→ Alte Münze, Berlin-Mitte
♦ Type: handicraft, banner painting, exchange
⏲ 03-05pm
Insta: @shefixtutorials
>>> exchange with fellow FLINTA interested in handicraft
>>> cake, drinks and banner painting for the demo
“Jin, Jiyan, Azadî”
SoliParty zum Support feministischer Kämpfe in Iran, Kurdistan und Afghanistan
→ Loge (Kinzigstr. 9, Berlin Friedrichshain)
♦ Type: Party
all genders
⏲ 7pm-4am
>>>Bitte kommt getestet
Offener Antifa Tresen
→ Bandito Rosso, Lottumstraße 10a (Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg)
all genders
♦ Type: Vegane Küfa & Feministisches Quiz & Kicker
Web: https://oatberlin.noblogs.org/
Email: https://oat-berlin@riseup.org/
SUN 05.03.23
Matinée -Frauen-Kampftag
→ Kiezladen, Sonnenallee 154 (Berlin Neukölln)
flinta only*
♦ Type: get together, readings, printing, food
⏲ 02pm-08pm
Web: https://www.kiezladen.org/
→ Start: Leopoldplatz > End: Widerstandsplatz (Nettelbeckplatz) (Berlin Wedding)
♦ Type: demo
all genders
⏲ 03pm-05pm
Insta: @gruppe_ella_trebe
>>> bring your pot lids, tablespoons, kids, families and friends
NOSOTRAS: perform with Madalena Berlin
→ KURINGA, Grüntaler Str. 35, Berlin-Wedding
♦ Type: rehearsal for performance
cis-men not welcome /// spanish, english & german
⏲ 03-06pm
Web: https://kuringa.de/en/2023/02/27/revolutionary-8-march/
Email: madalenasberlin@gmail.com
Insta: @madalena.berlin
>>> open call to rehearse with the Feminist Theater of the Oppressed for their performance NOSOTRAS on 7&8 march
>>> please register with madalenasberlin@gmail.com
Repertorios performáticos & Perreo por un 8M combativo y anticolonial!
→ New Yorck im Bethanien (Marielle-Franco-Platz, Kreuzberg
span & engl /// all genders
♦ Type: Workshop + Performance
Insta: @perrxs.del.futuro.berlin
MON 06.03.23
Queerfeministisches Pubquiz
→ B-lage, Mareschstr.1, Berlin-Neukölln
♦ Type: pubquiz
all gender /// german
⏲ 07pm
Insta: @feministpursuits
>>> Pubquiz zur Einstimmung auf den feministischen Kampftag mit Feminist Pursuits
TUE 07.03.23
Bundesweiter Streik Autonomer Frauenhäuser→ Platz der Republik 1 (Mitte, Berlin)
germ /// all genders
♦ Type: Rally/Kundgebung
⏲: 1-5pm
Mind The Gaps Alleycat
→ Marielle-Franco-Platz, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: take back streets cycling
The race is open to all genders. We ask cis-men to be aware of the privileges they carry and the space they take. We don’t need bro dudes, we need mindful allies. /// english & german
⏲ Registration 17:00pm, Start 17:55 pm
Email: mind_the_gaps_alleycat@riseup.net
Insta: @mind_the_gaps_alleycat
>>> All bikes welcome!
>>> Bring your friends
>>> Bring your lock, bike lights, a phone with camera, a pen and a helmet!
>>> Donations welcome!
Queer + FEM Fest @ BLO Ateliers
→ Kantine at BLO-Ateliers, Kaskelstr. 55, Lichtenberg- Berlin
all genders welcome
♦ Type: Little festival with different FLINTA* artists and collectives.
⏲ 05pm-02am
Web: https://www.blo-ateliers.de/queer-fem-fest-blo-ateliers/
> Afternoon: DIT-crafts (Do it together), reading space, networking, kids space, coffee and cake, food. > Evening: Theater, performances and party.
!!!!!Schoolgirls in Iran are in serious danger!!!!!
→ Kottbusser Tor (Südblock) >>> Hermannplatz (Berlin-Kreuzberg/Neukölln)
all genders welcome
♦ Type: protest march
>>> Call for demo against the organized attacks with chemical gases on girls’ schools and in solidarity with the call for a nationwide protest of teachers in Iran.
>>> “Until our last breath: women, life, freedom”
Big come back of FLINTA* evening @ Tristeza!!
→ Tristeza, Pannierstr. 5, Berlin-Neukölln
♦ Type: bar/drinks
flinta* only /// english & german & more
>>> When visiting us, please refrain from giving questioning looks towards anyone or from verbally questioning the presence of any of our guests*.
>>> Remember, everyone surrounding you in the space is just as welcomed as you are and if you have a hard time accepting that, this event is not for you!
Gedenken an Ivana Hoffmann
→ Mehrgenerationenhaus Gneisenaustraße, Gneisenaustraße 12, 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: Memorial
all genders
Movienight: Bodies we take to the streets
→ Museum des Kapitalismus, Köpenicker Str. 172, 10997 Berlin- Kreuzberg
♦ Type: filmscreening
all genders /// german & ?
⏲ 07pm
Web: museumdeskapitalismus.de
Gender-Bias in der Medizin
→ Bandito Rosso, Lottumstraße 10a (Berlin – Prenzlauer Berg)
all genders welcome /// stairs – nicht barrierefrei /// german (english & spanish translation if needed)
♦ Type: Input, Doku, Kuchen
⏲ 07pm
Insta: @VA auf Insta
Web: https://berlin.kritmed.de/
“8.März ist alle Tage” Soliparty
→ SO36, Oranienstraße 190, Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: Party
FLINTA* and friends
⏲ 08pm
Web: https://www.so36.com
>>> Soliparty for the demo “our revolution is coming”
>>> Information on the demo and exhibition “faces of resistance” by fotographer Esra Gültekin
>>> DJs Fenomenale*, elle_mess, Yaso G & IXA
female* voices only
→ pirata patata, Kohlfurter Straße 33 (Berlin – Kreuzberg)
all genders welcome
♦ Type: Soliparty
>>> An den Decks: Karacho Rabaukin & Lotta
>>> Alle Erlöse gehen in einen Topf für Repressionskosten FLINTA*kämpfe
WED 08.03.23
all day
International Trans*Feminist Digital Depletion Strike
→ local actions and online
♦ Type: strike
all gender
⏲ all day
Web: anarchaserver.org/8m
>>> hyperscaledown of extractive digital services: counter cloud action day
>>> more information & how to participate on the website
FLINTA* Graffiti Jam→ Mauerpark (Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin)
ger & engl /// FLINTA* only
♦ Type: Jam/Workshop
Insta: @flintas_onwalls_berlin
>>>Registration for a piece of wall: flintagraffitijam@protonmail.com
Aktionstag gegen die Cloud / Action day against the cloud
→ Mariannenplatz 2A, Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: Workshop
FLINTA-only /// english & german
⏲ 11am-1.30pm
Web http://heartofcode.org/8maerz
Email: hello@heartofcode.org
Twitter: @heartofcode
>>>Please wear an FFP2 mask
8. März Frühstück
→ Regenbogencafé, Lausitzer Straße 21a, Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: Brunch / vegan küfa
flinta* only /// english & german
⏲ 11am-01pm
Email: feministischer-streik-berlin@systemli.org
>>> Es wird partizipative Plakate und Infomaterial geben. Wir gehen anschließend gemeinsam zur Alliance Demo am Frankfurter Tor.
→ Mariannenplatz, Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: bike ride and concerts
⏲ 12-02pm
Insta: @purplerideberlin
>>> with concerts by Frau Fisch & Punkband Suck A Lemon
>>> relaxed bike ride will start at 1pm, last for 1-1.5h and end at Frankfurter Tor
*International Womens’s Day
→ Poststr. 72, Eisenhüttenstadt
span & all genders
♦ Type: rally & picnic in front of the lager Eisenhüttenstadt
Web: Women In Exile
⏲ 12.30pm-15.30pm
!!! This is the demo of the official syndicates (and parties). Please note that their contents and actions may not lead to revolutionary change but manifest systems of oppression & exploitation !!!
FEMINISTISCH. SOLIDARISCH. GEWERKSCHAFTLICH. Demonstration zum Internationalen Frauen*kampftag. Kundgebung im Anschluss.
→ Invalidenpark > Bebelplatz, Berlin-Mitte
all genders
♦ Type: march & rally
Web: https://care-revolution.org/
Insta: @CareRevolutionBerlin
*OUR REVOLUTION IS COMING* – Revolutionary Internationalist 8th March
→ Frankfurter Tor (Friedrichshain) >>> Women* Prison in Lichtenberg
Cis men are not invited, they are advised to take other actions to stop violence against women*
♦ Type: march/demo
Insta: @allianc.int.feminist
⏲ 2pm-6pm
Global Scream
→ Berlin, Germany, worldwide
♦ Type: scream performance for anyone worldwide
all genders
⏲ 04pm
Web https://www.dziewuchyberlin.org
Email: info@dziewuchyberlin.org
>>>Performative action, 1 minute of screaming. It can be anywhere, on a demo, in a group, at home, alone.
remise after demo
→ Die Remise, Magdalenenstr.19/ Hinterhof)
all genders
⏲ from 4pm
♦ Type: hang out
> Mit Snacks, Tee und Drinks. Zum Aufwärmen und Verschnaufen.
FemPunkFest 2.0
→ KvU, Storkower Str. 119 // Mensch Meier, Storkower Str. 121, Berlin
♦ Type: culture & concerts
all gender
⏲ 05pm culture/ 08pm concerts
>>> from 5pm: culture and more @Mensch Meier
>>> from 8pm: concerts @KvU by Onyon, Rouge, Törner’86 and DJs Inne Tonne and Eklig Honecker
Fight By Night Demo
→ Spreewaldplatz, Berlin-Kreuzberg
♦ Type: Demo
all genders
>>>Queerfeministische Abenddemo
Nach den Demos
→ Linie 206, Linienstr. 206, Berlin-Mitte
all genders
♦ Type: Küfa, Bar, Musik
> Küfa & Bar für alle, die nach den Demos den queerfeministischen Kampftag gemütlich miteinander ausklingen lassen wollen
THU 09.03.23
FemPunkFest 2.0
→ Mensch Meier, Storkower Str. 121 // KvU, Storkower Str. 119, Berlin
♦ Type: culture & concerts
all gender
⏲ 05pm culture/ 08pm concerts
>>> from 5pm: culture, küfa and chill @KvU
>>> from 8pm: concerts @MenschMeier by Petrol Girls, Macker Massaker, Cunte and DJs Kay-Män, Wayne Schlegel and Lu Lanutti
My Body! My Choice! Mit Ciocia Basia
→ KvU – Storkowerstr.119, 10407 Berlin
♦ Type: Küfa, Film & Diskussion &&&
all gender, barrierefrei
FB: https://fb.me/e/350yD0kPU
Email: imanschluss@menschmeier.berlin
>>> wir zeigen die Dokumentation “Vessel” (2014) über die Arbeit von “Women on Waves”, die auf internationalen Gewässern Personen eine legale Abtreibung auf ihrem Schiff ermöglichen.
>>> Plus: Soli-Tattoos, Musik & Feminismus!
>>>das queer-feministische Kollektiv Ciocia Basia stellt ihre Arbeit vor. Die Gruppe unterstützt Personen aus Polen, Zugang zu sicheren und straffreien Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen in Deutschland zu erhalten. >>> Alle Erlöse gehen an Ciocia Basia
FRI 10.03.23
“CHOOSE: feminism”
→ Mensch Meier (Storkower Str. 121, 10407 Berlin)
♦ Type: Party + Karaoke
all genders
⏲ 11pm-10am
>>>Bitte kommt getestet
SAT 11.03.23
Cakes, Cans & creative Cun*ts – queerfeminist zine AND art minifestival
→ Potse – Zollgarage, (Columbiadamm 10, 12101 Berlin)
♦ Type: Minifestival
all genders
⏲ 01-10pm
Insta: @cakesnzines
>>>free entry – free tables, zines, workshops, tattoos, cakes etc.
>>>Please come tested
SUN 12.03.23
Alles wird teurer? Wir brauchen mehr Geld!
→ FAU-Lokal, Grüntaler Str. 24, Berlin-Wedding
♦ Type: Workshop
cis-men not welcome /// english & german
⏲ 02-06pm
Web https://berlin.fau.org
Email: faub-ag8m@fau.org
>>>Tipps und Tricks für Arbeitskämpfe um Lohn- und Honorarerhöhung
FRI 17.03.23
FLINTA-Support Tresen
→ KvU, Storkower Str. 119, 10407 Berlin-Friedrichshain
♦ Type: Bar, Reading
all gender
⏲ 07pm-openend
Web: http://kvu-berlin.de/event/punk_as_fck
>>> SPECIAL GUESTS: Ronja von Plasticbomb Fanzine und Jeri von der Bandbrackwasser
>>> Lesung aus dem Buch “Punk as F*ck”
>>> Diskussion über Sexismus in der Szene
FRI 19.03.23
“Abbruch & Aufbruch”
Filmreihe zum Thema Schwangerschaftsabbruch mit Doctors for Choice, Ciocia Basia & Anderen
→ Kiezkommune Wedding (Buttmannstr. 1A, Berlin Wedding)
♦ Type: movie
all genders
>Bitte kommt getestet